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Let’s go to 100 yen shop and buy your necessary things cheaply!

Let’s go to 100 yen shop and buy your necessary things cheaply!

Have you ever been to 100 yen shop? You may think that the quality of goods sold in 100 yen shop is bad because they are cheap. However, many goods has high quality and they are popular in other countries, too. Let’s learn about 100 yen shop!

What is 100 yen shop?

100 yen shop is the shop which sells the most of goods at 100 yen. Current consumption tax rate is 10%, so the actual price is 110 yen.

Famous 100 yen shop

DAISO, Seria, Can do are famous in Japan.


DAISO has a lot of kinds of goods and the number of the shops is the largest among three brands. Recently, DAISO’s cosmetics attract attention.

  • Seria

The main target of this brand is women. They also sell materials for fashionable miscellaneous goods and accessories.

  • Can Do

Housewife is the main target of this brand. This brand has a wide variety of original and useful products.

Products sold in 100 yen shop

You can buy a variety of goods, such as miscellaneous goods, stationaries, cosmetics, and foods.

  • Miscellaneous goods

100 yen shop has a wide variety of miscellaneous goods.

Kitchen goods

100 yen shop has a variety of kitchen goods. Many kinds of cooking times such as cooking chopsticks or measuring cup, and lunch box items are sold. Also, you can find nice dishes and glasses. The store carries most of basic kitchen items.

Cleaning goods

100 yen shop also has a variety of cleaning goods. Some 100 yen shops have several types of toilet cleaners and flooring sheets. They even sell baking soda, citric acid, and other items that you might think you can only buy at drugstores. The drain net in the kitchen is recommended. It contains about 40 sheets for 100 yen, so you can feel free to replace it.

Garden goods

100 yen shop also sells garden items. There are many things you need for gardening, such as shovels, soil, and herbicides.

Washing goods

Washing goods sold at 100 yen shop are very useful. Hanger with a lot of clothes pin or cleaning net are very popular. Hanger has a lot of kinds, such as not slippery hanger or hanger for socks.

Medical supplies

Bandage and gauze can also be bought at 100 yen shops. They also sell cotton swabs and eye patches.


Socks and stockings are sold at 100 yen shops. You can also buy caps and arm cover in summer, and scarves and belly warmers in winter.

Storage goods

Storage goods are very popular among 100 yen shop goods. There are a lot of storage goods which can be used in kitchen, bathroom, and your room. Storage goods are different depending on the type of 100 yen shop. Let’s find your favorite items!

  • Stationaries

100 yen shop has a wide variety of stationaries. Not only pen and eraser, but also tape glue, correction tape, and staples are sold at 100 yen shop.

  • Cosmetics

100 yen shop sells cosmetics. Especially, DAISO’s cosmetics have high quality and some of them are famous in Instagram. Eyeliner and eyeshadow are especially popular.

  • Foods

Foods are also sold at 100 yen shops. You can buy drinks such as juice or tea, and snacks. Also, Furikake (Rice seasoning) and Instant noodles are sold. Let’s check out the food section, too!

Important notes for buying at 100 yen shop

  • Some items are not 100 yen

100 yen shop is fun because you can find things which you didn’t expect sold for 100 yen. However, some items are not really sold at 100 yen. For example, earphones and digital scales. The price is written on the package as “300 yen” or “500 yen” if those products are not 100 yen. If you doubt the item is 100 yen, please look at the package carefully.

  • The quality is sometimes bad

The quality of items has extremely improved, but some items still have bad quality. Some items are more fragile than other more expensive items. Also, some items have smaller quantity than other more expensive items. However, the latter items just have smaller quantity, and the quality is not bad. If you do not mind the quantity, please try it.

You can buy your necessary things cheaply at 100 yen shops. They sell a various kind of items, so it is fun just to look around the store. They sell a wide various kind of useful goods, so let’s take advantage of 100 yen shop and make your daily life fulfilling!

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