Useful Information

How to ride on a bus

How to ride on a bus

There are many bus lines in Japan. The destination and route might be different even when the buses depart from the same bus stop.

To ride on the right bus

Each bus has a destination sign on the front and side of the bus. The number written next to or above the name of the destination is a route number. Even when some buses share the same terminal, those buses may use different routes if the buses have different route numbers. Please check not only the name of the terminal but also the route number.

How to ride on a bus

A bus has two doors. Please ride on the bus from the door behind when the bus arrives. Do you have an IC card, like ICOCA? If so, please touch the card to a machine for IC cards. Some buses do not have those machines. In that case, you do not have to do it. Those who do not have an IC card, please take a numbered ticket from the ticketing machine. The word 「整理券(せいりけん)(seiriken)」is written on the machine.

The rules of riding on the buses

As the same as riding on the train, you should not speak loudly and talk on the phone when you ride on a bus. Also, you cannot eat anything on the bus. When you want to change the seats or get off the bus, please move only after the bus stops for safety.

Money Exchange

You can exchange your money on the bus. Each bus has a bill charger. You put your bus fee into a box. You cannot get change from the box, so please exchange your money before you pay the fare. When you exchange your money when you get off the bus, you may make other passengers or drivers wait, so I recommend you exchange money in advance. Bill charger has a coin slot and a bill slot like ticket machines. Your bus fee is not deducted automatically by the bill charger. Please put your fare after you change your money.

When you get off the bus

When you hear the announce mentioning name of your destination, please push the button near your seat or wall. You can move after the bus stops. You get off the bus through the door next to the driver. There are two ways to pay the bus fee. If you have an IC card, please touch the card to the “ IC “ machine. Those who do not have an IC card, put your fare with a numbered card in the fare box. Please make sure to pay the exact amount.

  • Please also refer to the following page

How to buy and use ICOCA

Drive in Japan