Useful Information

Transfer to another train

Transfer to another train

When the train you are going to take delays or stops operating, you can take the different lines of train to go to your destination. It is called 振替輸送(ふりかえゆそう/Furikae yusou /Transfer to another train). For example, when the JR line stops operating, you can take Hankyu line or subway instead to go to your destination.

How to know train delays

The information about train delay or stop operation is provided on the website of the train company. Also, many train company have their own Twitter account, so you can find the information at Twitter, too. Please search like this;「JR 運行情報 (JR operation information )」「阪急 運行情報 (Hankyu operation information)」Please follow their Twitter account!

In Japanese, train delay is called 「遅延(ちえん chien)」, train stop operation is called 「運転見合わせ (うんてんみあわせ untenmiawase)」

Examples of transferring to another train

①JR train stop operation at 舞子(まいこ Maiko) station and you want to go to 新長田 (しんながた Shinnagata) station

舞子公園(まいここうえん Maikokouen)station is near from JR Maiko station. Maikokouen station is one of the 山陽 (さんようSanyo) railway station. You take a train at Maikokouen station and get off at 板宿(いたやど Itayado)station. Itayado station has both Sanyo and 山手 (やまて Yamate (subway)) lines. Sinnagata station also has Yamate (subway) line, so you can take a subway from Itayado station to Shinnagata station. Then, you can reach Shinnagata station even if JR Kobe line stops operation.

②JR train stop operation at Shinnagata and you want to go to 三ノ宮 (さんのみや Sannomiya) station

Shinnagata station has JR Kobe line, Yamate line(subway) and Kaigan line (subway). Also, Sannomiya station has those lines. Therefore, you can use Yamate line or Kaigan line instead of JR Kobe line to go to Sannomiya station.

③JR train stop operation at Shinnagata station and you want to go to 神戸(こうべ Kobe) station

There are two ways to go to Kobe station from Shinnagata station. The first one is using Kaigan line. Kaigan line has Shinnagata station and Harborland station. Harborland station is close to JR Kobe station. Therefore, you can go to Kobe by taking a train of Kaigan line. Second one is that going to 長田(ながた Nagata)station by Yamate line and change trains to Hankyu line. Shinnagata has Yamate line, too. 高速長田(こうそくながた Kousokunagata)station is close to Nagata station. Kousokunagata station is on the Hankyu line. Please take a train at the station and get off at 高速神戸(こうそくこうべ Kousokukobe)station. Then, you will arrive at Kobe.

Depending on the situation, you can use buses instead. Please search the routes!

Information of transferring to another train

Information of transferring to another train is announced or displayed on electronic board at the station. However, the information is provided in Japanese. Announcement is sometimes difficult to catch, so please ask station staffs if you do not understand the information. Also, when a train stops operation, the railway company will also provide information at their website.Please visit following websites.

・JR West




Simplified Chinese



・Kobe City Subway

Japanese and English 

Useful expression

「○○へいきたいですが、どうしたらいいですか?(○○ he ikitai desuga dousitara iidesuka?) (I want to go to ○○. How can I get there?)」

Please say this phrase to station attendant, and he or she will tell you which train you should take. If you are in trouble, please use it!

Furikaeyusou is that a train company offers you another way to reach your destination by using different railway company’s train. It may take more time or need transfer. Usually, they will offer the shortest route from a nearby station to your destination. If another different railway’s line is close to the stopping line, the line often be chosen as an alternative. These days, trains often stop operation because of abnormal weather, so let’s know about alternative lines other than the line you often use!

  • Please check following website, too.

How to ride on a bus

How to buy and use ICOCA